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Are you the owner of a modern, highly effective and fully digitalised practice?
Would you like to be part of a network with the following goals?
- Top-level neurological/psychiatric treatment with branding
- Standardisation of treatment pathways and measurement of healthcare outcomes (quality of results) with specially designed software (registry database), which is compulsory for all members.
- Shared web-based platform for rapid communication and integrated training.
- Negotiation of integrated healthcare/discount contracts and surcharges (SGB V §§ 73c, 130).
- Development, planning and conduct of studies (phase II-IV, healthcare and epidemiological studies) with consistent publication of results.
- Analyses for market and healthcare research, pharmacoeconomic studies.
- Development of innovative procedures in support of diagnostics and treatment.
Then we’d like to welcome you as a new member.
Our team will be happy to organise an informal discussion and provide further information:
See right to find an NTD practice near you »

New ways to greater well-being

Health is your most valuable asset. Physical and mental well-being and fitness can often be maintained well into old age, even in the presence of chronic illness. Everyday life poses new challenges that have to be overcome.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with those challenges. It isn’t always easy and demands a wide range of coping strategies. Our “My NTC Health Guide” patient app helps you to live an easier and therefore better life with your illness.

My NTC Health Guide

The benefits to you
- Graphical progression of your health data (e.g. medication days or migraine days)
- Reminder for e.g. your injection appointments
- Automated Transmission of the data to your NTC doctor
- Increase your treatment succsess
- Increase your role in the healthcare system (Active co-determination of your treatment)